Monday, 27 June 2016

Dove Self-Esteem Project

Blog 4 - By Meghan Schimpf

Dove’s 2013 Self-Esteem Project is an excellent example of corporate cause promotion done right. After conducting research that illuminated shocking statistics on body confidence in young girls (ages eight to 16) and their desires to participate in physical activities they enjoy. Dove’s Self-Esteem Project aimed to create awareness among mothers with girls within this age group and to promote body confidence among the young girls themselves through the Self-Esteem Project. The project provided girls and women the tools they need to inspire one another, such as games and information guides, while also helping mothers and mentors develop the skills to have real body confidence discussions.

How did they do it – what was the communication piece other than the materials and information? – Two massive 3D billboards displaying real soccer cleats and swimsuits, paired alongside two large ads in two incredibly busy Toronto and Montreal intersections. 

The ads contained factual statistics on the relationship between low body confidence preventing girls from engaging in sports. Through this powerful and impactful pairing of visual and textual communication, Dove was able to create dialogue among mothers, mentors and young girls. The results of the campaign were impressive: over seven million impressions were made by the campaign itself and almost three million through the billboards themselves.

This promotion benefited Dove, because it positioned themselves as a company that cares for its consumers, one that is aware of what’s going on in the world and the importance of its role in helping make young girls feel good about themselves at a young age. This is beneficial, because starting such associations with a brand at a young age makes it very likely that they will continue to use the products in the future. 

I think it is a smart business move and a great brand alignment that positioned the company very well with women across Canada and around the world. Body products are intimate and they do make us feel a certain way about ourselves, so pairing this mentality with the importance of body confidence at an early age is a great association.

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